There is a stillness inside you
There is a stillness inside you
There is a stillness inside you that is ever present. In moments of chaos, tap into this stillness and observe what is happening around you and, inside you from this space. This is a remarkable tool for dealing with whatever life situation you are facing. That is what you are here to do – observe life. This is what it means to be in the world, but not of the world.
When you respond to your life situations from this space of detachment, you respond from the highest possible place. Most of us respond from the ego, and from victim mode. “You hurt me”, we say. But it is never about the other person. It is always about the Self. Each person we meet and interact with is merely there as a mirror for us. Our responses to external situations and people are always teaching us about ourselves. So the next time you are triggered, stop for a moment before you respond. Connect with that still space and ask yourself what this situation or person is teaching you about yourself. And ultimately, you will learn why you were triggered. Then, based on this more conscious perspective, you can formulate your response.
It is time now to leave this victim mode behind. Challenges are merely here to refine us. If you view a life challenge as an opportunity for growth, your perspective shifts. You are no longer in victim mode. You are now empowered to take any situation and grow from it.
My mission is to help people reach this point of clarity and to empower them to begin to build the life of their dreams. Learn more at and sign up for a FREE 15 minute phone session of life-changing quantum healing work.