The Universe is a giant receiver
The Universe is a giant receiver
The Universe is a giant receiver and your thoughts are the signals being transmitted to this receiver. And the Universe always says, “yes”. What thoughts are you allowing to arise? Take a moment to notice your thoughts right now.
Mindfulness – being aware- is a simple practice that you can use to change the circumstances of your life. If you are focused on negative thoughts then you are attracting the same negativity into your life. Profound change can be brought into your life by changing your internal self talk.
The Quick Pulse technique can help you become aware of this internal self talk, so that you can begin to change it, thereby creating the life of your dreams. Try a *FREE* fifteen minute phone session by registering at
Albuquerque Energy Healing | Energy Healing in Albuquerque | Rio Rancho, NM Quick Pulse | Santa Fe, NM Advanced Pulse