The Alchemy of Beliefs

15 Apr
BY Jaymini Hasham / 5 comments

The Alchemy of Beliefs

You are going along with your day. Your mind is giving you a constant commentary about everything that is going on. And based on its chatter, you feel a range of emotions. Even when these emotions arise, your mind goes about labeling them. That is what the mind does – it labels and it judges.

Have you ever stopped to think for a moment where these judgments come from? They arise from our subconscious beliefs about life. These subconscious beliefs are ingrained in us at a very early age. We are born and our parents and teachers tell us what is good and what is bad. For example, if your mother was a perfectionist and constantly criticized you for everything that you did, then you might have a subconscious belief that you are not good enough.

Once such a subconscious belief is ingrained, you live your life based on a belief that you are not good enough. So underneath all your actions and feelings, you operate from this place of not being good enough. How might that translate into how your life turns out? Well, you may spend your life always striving for perfection. Never stopping to appreciate or give yourself credit for the jobs you did well. You may turn into your mother, always being critical of people and situations around you. That may flow into your relationships with your significant other, your children, your co-workers and your friends. Constantly trying to please everyone, while also judging them for not being perfect. Who wants to hang out with someone who is always criticizing and judging? NOBODY! So your relationships suffer. And all the while, this subconscious belief is inside you, creating your reality.

Yes, that is the power that our subconscious beliefs about ourselves have. They create our reality. How is it that we go through our lives like hamsters on a hamster wheel without ever examining the fact that we can, in fact create our own reality. “How do I change my beliefs?”, you may ask. I’ll tell you. Take time to dive deep within yourself. Truly get to know who you are. And when you realize that you are the Divine itself, living life through you and as you, your false subconscious beliefs about yourself melt away. You start to love yourself, exactly as you are and self-judgment stops.

Once you stop that harsh self-judgment, you are able to simply observe the chatter of the mind and not indulge in it, or believe it. That is what the Dalai Lama means when he tells us to become observers of our lives. And a powerful alchemy happens in our lives. We live life from a state of fullness. We love ourselves and we start to overflow with this love. We are able to love others. Our relationships blossom, we become happy and peaceful. Now doesn’t that sound like a place you want to live from? And it all lies in your control. Quiet your mind. Take time each day to dive into the stillness of your heart. And watch the magic happen as you evolve and your life starts to reflect back to you, what is inside you – pure magic!

5 responses to “The Alchemy of Beliefs”

  1. Zeenat says:

    So accurate and well explained, Jaymini. I love the way you share you “dive down into yourself”…… the good and positive in you will prevail….. “and a powerful alchemy happens in your life.” I am a true belieber in this….. despite any circumstances I face….. keeping the good and positive in me steadfast. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

  2. Kelly Mukaya says:

    We need more of this teachings.

  3. Amy says:

    I agree with the above posts as well!! I’m tagging my children. I think this is a life lesson that everyone needs. 😊