In order to welcome the new, the fresh and the desirable aspects of life, we must first take inventory of all the that is holding us back. Once we let go of what no longer serves us, we then have the space to begin to create a life full
The Universe is a giant receiver and your thoughts are the signals being transmitted to this receiver. And the Universe always says, "yes". What thoughts are you allowing to arise? Take a moment to notice your thoughts right now.
Mindfulness - being aware- is a simple practice that you can
There is a Higher Guidance system within each one of us, and we are each capable of tapping into it, in every moment. What stops us from connecting with this Higher Guidance is the constant chatter of the mind.
When we transcend this mind chatter and learn to quiet the
In every moment, you are connected to your Source. Remember that. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old. There is nothing outside of you which will make you happy. Happiness comes from being connected to your own Divine nature.
Life feels particularly challenging now to a lot of us in a lot of different ways. Take heart my friends because we are all being accelerated into a new way of being that is so miraculous, we cannot even begin to imagine it. The reason for the challenges is
I am so excited to share my story in this month's issue of Truly Alive magazine. The article tells how I used the very healing methods I am offering you to find my way back from despair. If my story resonates with you, please consider registering for the FREE
If there is one thing I will share with anyone who is facing any kind of struggle in their life, it is this : Go within. When you work on yourself to increase your connection with your own true Divine nature, your outward life transforms. When you work on